Piroman5 oled display

Hello all. Can someone tell me what the exact name of the python file for the OLED display is and where is this file located? I wish to make changes and use my own python file. Thank you very much!

The operation is a bit troublesome.
The program for oled control display is located in pm_auto in the pm_auto.py file, modify the oled display content:

  1. Clone the code:
    cd ~
    git clone GitHub - sunfounder/pm_auto: Pironman Auto Script

  2. Modify the oled display in the handle_oled() function in pm_auto/pm_auto.py:
    pm_auto/pm_auto/pm_auto.py at main · sunfounder/pm_auto · GitHub

  3. Enter the virtual environment, reinstall pm_auto, and restart pironman5.service.
    source /opt/pironman5/venv/bin/active
    cd ~/pm_auto
    /opt/pironman5/venv/bin/pip3 install . /
    sudo systemctrl restart pironman5.service

Great! Thank you for the detailed response, I appreciate it very much!

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