Pironman 5 not working/terminal error codes

Please take a look at the screenshots we provided. We are using Raspberry Pi OS 64Bit Bookworm with a desktop environment, and after correctly installing the Pironman5 software, all functions are working properly.

We recommend reinstalling the operating system and then installing the Pironman5 software again. All of you can try out to see how the installation results are.

So you want me to do the exact same thing that I’ve been doing? I’m not sure why it works for you enough for me. I guess I will just have to purchase a new Pironman 5 kit since the issue seems to be the hardware.

I should add that I am using an NVME SSD but it is compatible so I don’t know what the issue is…

Is anybody else having problems here?!

I can PM you my raspberry pi connect login credentials and you’ll see for yourself, it is not working. I have the exact same setup as you. The only thing different between you and I would be the NVME SSD but I tried it using USB too. Same errors.

I do not know if this is helpful but my best guess after a quick code read through…

Sunfounder’s utils package tries to establish the hat version that you have so it knows how to configure.

It does this by looking in the device tree directory for the hat subdirectory, which is added when the hat is recognised.

The “original” OS placed the hat subdirectory into /proc/device-tree/

The “new” OS moved this up a level to /device-tree.

As far as I can see this was what broke pironman5 originally. Sunfounder’s update now looks in both directories.

If neither of these directories are found then the version is forced to 10.

In your case, one of these directories IS being found, so the code proceeds to look for the hat in wherever it should be located.

Unfortunately, your hat is still not being detected, so the hat directory isn’t in either, causing the “none” return value.

You appear to unfortunately have had 2 issues simultaneously: The OS change which is now fixed and something else. Possibly HW as you state. Any loose connections etc?

I am definitely not an expert in this, so take above guesses appropriately!

If you are still unable to detect the HAT while following our steps to install the pironman5 software. We will arrange to send you an IO expansion board. Please try installing the pironman5 software again using our method to see if it resolves the issue.

The problem has been fixed, and we recommend you all to update the pironman5 software to see if it works properly. Our tests show that it is functioning correctly, and we would like to hear your feedback. If there are any issues, we will address them promptly.

I’m going to deconstruct and reassemble the unit later tonight. I already have another on the way from Amazon in case this does not fix the issue. As per Sunfounder’s newest reply, it seems as they have amended the code to be rid of any abnormalities. But it seems I’m still facing issues so we will see if reassembling the unit fixes the issue.

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I still have the same problem as well. You said the issue is resolved and it is not. Why do you waste my time to keep reinstalling again and again if you did not solve the issue ?


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I’ve made a zip of a previous version of Pironman5 software if you want to try. Refer to this post : Pironman 5 Case stopped working after reboot (Unable to launch pironman5.service) - #21 by Weirdyguy

UPDATE: The issue still persists. I have returned the new kit I got and listed the old one on FB Marketplace… Now, back to my pidog.

Damn… you should have sold it to me… love to try to fix stuff like this :wink:

Please follow our instructions to update and install the Pironman 5 software:

cd ~/pironman5
git pull
sudo python3 install.py

Alternatively, you can reinstall the system and follow our tutorial steps for installation:

Please send us screenshots of the installation process to help us analyze and resolve the issue. Providing screenshots of the update installation process will greatly assist us in troubleshooting.

Not too sure if it’s me that you’re talking to but I’ve already decided to give up on this project. I will pick it back up when and if there is any compatibility fixes.

After an install now RGB fans and LED does not work. Can I get my money back if I write to customer support? I am done with this.

I doubt customer support will give money back. Unless you purchased from Sunfounder directly?

Karsparskambala:if you are using our compatible system and have installed the Pironman 5 software but the OLED screen and RGB lights are not working, please let us know which system you are currently using.

Then, please follow the methods outlined in our FAQ to see if the issue can be resolved. Our tutorials have been updated, and you can find the relevant solutions here: FAQ.

If you follow the installation instructions and the issue persists, please contact us for a hardware replacement at service@sunfounder.com.