Actual physical dimensions of PiCar-X robot

I need to know physical dimensions of an assembled PiCar-X robot before I proceed to purchasing it.
More precise, the length is of most concern - how long it is, measured from furthest protruding points?
That would be from the protruding right motor’s plastic cover at the back to the leading edge of the IR LED holder plate (or maybe the camera lens?).

Oddly, I found no mention of the dimensions in documentation.
Some of the web shops give dimensions as “10 x 6.5 x 4 inches”.
Approximating the length from photos gave me a range of 200 to 210 mm (7.87 to 8.27 inches).

Does anyone have a real measures at hand, please?

Dimensional drawings have been uploaded.

Thank you!
Is that accessible somewhere in online documentation too?

Sorry, there is currently no content on the online tutorials.
We can consider adding it to the tutorial if needed.

OK, I’ve got the info I needed (and placed an order for a PiCar-X with the Czech reseller :slightly_smiling_face:).

Generally, dimensional drawings belong to specification documents, but “About this kit” chapter would be good to.

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