ESP32-cam update issue

I would like to update ESP32-cam firmware on my Zeus car, I followed steps, download the 1.4.1 version, uploaded it with browser, reach 100% success. I just refresh the browser page to see actual version but get no connection error. I press rst button and now Zeus car won’t connect in AP mode, incorrect password. Even if I enter correctly 12345678. The only way to connect it is in STA mode. Is there a way to force update with ESP32-cam?

It could be caused by a bug in our SunFounder_AI_Camera library.
After you update and install SunFounder_AI_Camera to version 1.1.1, go back and re-upload the code and see how it works. (As shown in the picture)

It’s not into Arduino. I’ve follow this tuto to update firmware of ESP32-cam. FAQ — SunFounder Zeus Robot Car Kit for Arduino documentation I’ve try once successful, then reconnect to ota to check if it’s the new version but still the old one : 1.4.0 . So I redo all steps and when it get at 100% success I refresh the browser page to see if current version change to 1.4.1 . But I got an error message like not connected. Since I can’t get connection by AP wifi with Zeus. I see Zeus wifi in my network list but 12345678 password doesn’t work. Is there another password for zeus_car network?

Unfortunately, AP mode doesn’t accept the password 12345678.

Is that normal to get those error when I check files before sending to Zeus car?

If the wifi password is not correct, you can try to modify the zeus_car/Zeus_Car.ino file to change the password. Also note that you will need to install additional third party libraries when compiling (attached image)

It doesn’t work. Is there a way to force a firmware update of ESP32-cam without AP connection? By USB or with SD card insert into esp32 board? Or I have an ELEGOO UNO R3 kit, can I use it to update esp32 firmware?ELEGOO UNO Project Super Starter Kit with Tutorial, 5V Relay, UNO R3, Power Supply Module, Servo Motor, 9V Battery with DC, Prototype Expansion Board, ect. for Arduino : Electronics

  1. Is changing the wifi password in AP mode still connecting with an incorrect password? Or does it fail to compile?
  2. Can you use STA mode to connect to ESP32-CAM, try to open the webpage to update ESP32-CAM in this mode.