Picar-x using a Adafruit Stereo 3.7W Class D Audio Amplifier

Hi. I would to use this amplifier to run the sound through the Pi audio jack and into my amplifier. I would need to change the ALSA settings. But not sure if its possible to get the audio off the Robot Hat or not as well. What would I change to not channel sound through the hat and channel it through the PI itself?

Or as another option, should I use a 12C amp like the Adafruit TPA2016 and channel sound through the bus?

Thanks - Guy

If you run the i2samp.sh script, it will configure the default sound card in the /etc/asound.conf file.
You can check the sound card numbers for different devices by using the commands aplay -l or cat /proc/asound/cards.

To modify the default sound card, simply change the card number in the /etc/asound.conf file to your desired choice. Additionally, you can select “Force 3.5mm” through the menu by navigating to raspi-config → Advanced Options → Audio.