Pironman 5, strange behaviour of case fans

Hello. I just assembled Prironman 5 case. Raspberry 5 16GB, boot from SSD, OLED working, 4 blue LEDs breathing… But this beahvior seems to me very strange - after start, probably when pironman5 service starts, when blue LEDs light up and desktop appears, the case fans turn off! Compared to that, when I shutdown the Pi, there’s long pause when I see “plymouth-poweroff.service” on screen, fans are already off. But when the “plymouth-poweroff.service” finally disappears, the fans light up and start working again! But Raspberry is already off, isn’t it? Is this the normal behaviour?

Sorry, I should have looked better here. It is already solved by editing config file.

sudo rpi-eeprom-config -e

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