I have had my Pidog for 3 days and he was doing well until this morning when I noticed a servo stops working, then the entire dog just starts vibrating and shuts down even with a simple command (stand, sit).
What could be the possible causes for this? Can it be that the robot hat malfunctioned?
Thank you.
It did same for me, head and front legs the first couple of times i run wake up script, i think it stopped when i figured out i should end running script with ctrl c instead of closing or maybe its just a matter of breaking in the servos… it stopped after a while anyway.
The Rpi actually rebooted each time this happened so I couldn’t Ctrl C to stop the script. I bought the kit from Amazon so I still have time to exchange for a new one or return, but I’d like to fix my Bear first before doing that.
Is it a dead battery? Also you can try unplugging the non-working servo port wiring and see if the other functions work.
So I think there are 2 separate issues:
- The raspberry pi doesn’t have enough charge from the battery (what could be the reason for this?). If I plug the charger to the RPi charging port, I can execute the functions without it rebooting.
- The servos on the left legs are malfunctioned. I unplugged it as instructed and the rest of Bear worked fine.
The robot hat charging light was off (fully charged) in all cases.
How can I solve these problems?
Regarding the issue of insufficient power supply, does the HAT power indicator on your pidog show sufficient power, or use a multimeter to measure the voltage at both ends of the battery connector, 0~100% of the battery capacity corresponds to a voltage of about 6.0v~8.4v.
The batter was fully charged when we measured the voltage. One measurement is 8.08V (08.08V on the screen) and one is 2.65V.
Do you have two batteries, does the one around 8v work fine? Can the other 2.6v battery be charged in? I’m a little confused, can you take videos for us to show how it works.
No, I followed the instructions here: Pidog - Reading battery voltage is 5.1 V - #11 by SunFounder_Moderator
The 2 readings are from 2 sides of R6.