PiDog Using different types of Raspberry Pi (s)

I cycled through different Raspberry Pi(s)(specifically, Pi3B, Pi4B and Pi Zero W) when having an issue that was resolved.
I found the Pi3B to be the best for power efficiency, with enough processing power.
The Pi Zero had problems when using the Sunfounder Controller App. Though it could connect, the movements (forward, backwards,scratch) were very slow, and jagged.
This was probably due to the streaming video from the PiCamera, which overwhelmed the PI Zero processor. Changing to the Pi3B resolved this issue. The Pi4B works well too, but draws more power.
There is no mention on the Pi Zero 2 (which is more powerful than the original)

Right. That’s why it is recommended to use PI3 and PI4 to work best with pidog.
If you use Pi Zero, the steps you need to prepare are tedious and the operation is not as efficient as PI3 and PI4.

Dear SunFounder,

Is the fact I mounted a pi5 to it and crashes (the pi itself) when multiple servos are running?
The PiDog kit by the way is awesome. I enjoyed building it and can’t wait to get my own programs created. But as mentioned, the pi5 crashes when using multiple servo’s.
Everything individual runs perfectly fine.
Even running with usb-c 27W power connected to the hat it fails. Looks like the power regulator can’t send enough to the pi.
Do you think I can do anything on that or I should replace the board with the pi4b or pi3b?

Thanks in advance, Luc

Currently, the Raspberry Pi 5 is compatible with the pidog software, and the Python code examples can run normally.

However, the current hardware is not fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5 yet.

The power supply provided by the robot hat for the Raspberry Pi 5 is not sufficient. So when the pidog is running, it may easily cause the Raspberry Pi 5 to shut down and stop working.

We will upgrade the robot hat to be compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5 in the future. For now, we still recommend using the Raspberry Pi 4 with the pidog.

Thanks for clarifying this.
So my thinking was indeed in the right direction.
Will there be somewhere an announcement done when this hat becomes available so I can upgrade?

Hmmm ,so I bought a pi4b and replaced it onto the dog.
Reinstalled of course the sd card and installed all libraries again.
Also did the calibration again, all fine so far.

Went into the Fun Python Projects and for example the 9.Howling works perfectly fine.
The 8.Push up works but give a low voltage warning on my pi desktop.
The 1.Wake up and 5.Rest just starts and crashes the pi.

So getting a completely new ‘supported’ pi and still crashing due to running out of enough power on the pi.
I did mount low profile Ice Tower cooler and hooked it up to the 3v3 of the GPIO however. It only uses 0.08amps so that can’t be the killer here.

I seen another thread where power was a similar issue when more or all servo’s were engaged and that turned out to be the connector ribbon for the camera. But I ran the test 7.Face track and the camera and this example runs fine.

I’m a bit confused here

Hope you have some tips for me to try

PS: the battery is fully charged and I did the test with the 27W usb-c adapter still hooked up to the hat even.

I was just wondering now I’m trying to check what is going on.
With the Wake Up test for example. I noticed that the head of the dog is going pretty far backwards and now it looks that it bumps into the cable from the battery connection on the hat. I had to elevate of course the hat due to the cooler mounting. Is it possible that when this servo is getting bumped here it pulls an amps spike and this triggers the shut down as protection ? Of course this still doesn’t explain the Low Voltage warning on my pi desktop running the other test were nothing bumps against anything.

Thanks in advance, Luc

We will send you a robot hat.Please provide your detailed address to


It’s 6 months later, I was wondering if the Robot Hat has been updated to support the Pi 5 yet? Your website still shows compatibility that does not include the Pi 5. If it has been updated, would I get the updated version if I bought one from today?


The Pi 5 version of Pidog is in the internal testing phase and is not yet officially available for sale. Thank you for your interest.

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