Hi Sunfounder
I’m currently running orbslam3 on my pidog, this concurrently with bluetooth joystick control such that pidog can map the room, trace its path through it (green) and estimate it’s pose within that room (red arrow) whilst wandering about
As the pidog moves quite slowly, then the rpi4 keeps up reasonably well with real time tracking, however, there is a not unexpected! current supply problem
As the computations are very intensive, I’m running via multiple ROS2 nodes allowing easy splitting the loads across the 4 cpus.
However, the power consumption is very large, the rpi4 gets hot quickly, and the servos slow down within just a few minutes of execution.
None of this is a surprise, I’m aware of how close the hat is on it’s power supply on the pidog.
However, mention was made of a higher capacity pi5 centric hat during this discussion…
I just wondered if you were any closer to a release date?
As I’m using ROS, I could of course simply pick up the topics on any other computer on my network, to do the hard-work remotely, but I’d like to keep it all onboard if possible, at least for now
Yes, we will be upgrading our Robot Hat to be compatible with the Pi 5 to provide sufficient power for both the Pi 5 and the Pidog.
However, it is currently still in development and testing, so it won’t be available for release in the short term. We appreciate your patience during this time!
Hi Sunfounder
I can confirm that by simply offloading the SLAM and rviz to a second RPI4, my pidog can operate as a fully functional ROS2 compatible robot, with no further power supply or overheating issues. It’s easily capable of running my joystick control, self-wander, IMU-balance, hazard detect, voice control and monocular SLAM simultaneously:
Thanks for a great platform, I’ve learned a lot from it.
Time for a new project in 2025!
No. The 2nd rpi4 is actually my main computer, a pi400, running the monitors shown in the video, it runs from the official usb-c supply. But any computer MAC/PC/PI/ETC could be used.
ROS2 is of course not my own work, but all versions are on github. Just google them and choose whichever version best suits your own development needs, and then follow the included installation instructions. I used Humble, but I think that Iron is the latest version. I’m not really sure about this, as I’m not tracking ROS development because I’m no longer working on this project.