Pidog, Raspberry 5 does not receive any power?

Hey, i got a Pidog with raspberry 5 module as a gift. I started assembling and stopped at the point where we load the commands to the Raspberry OS. The problem is raspberry module does not seem to receive any power when connected with robot hat v4. Im not familiar with wiring but i don’t see any connections from pi module to robot hat, so i am assuming that’s the development issue?. When connected directly with power source to raspberry module, it works, and all LEDs light up. However when you try to power it on through robot hat, the lights on pi module are off. What could be the issue here?. All instructions followed, even though the original ones doesn’t have the pi 5 module yet.

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Did you try powering the pi 5 board via the usb c port?

My pidog arrives tomorrow and I will be also installing a pi 5 board.

I will also model in 3D CAD to generate new parts:)

I started an Fb group

I did try power it through usb and it works fine, but the problem is when you add a cooler to pi 5 the structure becomes too high. With that being said pi module cant be connected to robot hat, unless you take cooler off. Additionally I’ve noticed that even when connected to power source the leds on pi were blinking, so i would assume it does not receive enough power to work correctly. The sunfounder addressed that issue as well, they are still updating the robot hat to be compatible. I personally just returned the 5 and got the 4 instead, works perfectly fine.