Default Arduino image worked but provided galaxy-rvr.ino does not. Cannot control Rover anymore

Bought the Rover kit for my son and by default the play mode worked. Wanted to switch it from AP to STA mode so downloaded the firmware from here:

Followed instructions to setup the STA with our wifi SSID and password, but after flashing the programming (which succeeded) tI could not see on my router that it connects.
Decided to go back to the original “AP” mode and try to re-connect to the “GalaxyRVR” access point, as described here:

However, this time, the AP was not becoming available anymore.
With the original shipped shipped image, this worked, but with the flash image, it bricked the access to the rover.

I tried flashing the “electic-test.ino” to see if any of the firmware on the site worked, and that firmware seemed to work, making the rover move forward and backward all the time.
Luckily caught it before running off the table :wink:

So, how do I get back to the original state it was shipped with, because the “galaxy-rvr-main/galaxy-rvr/glaxy-rvr.ino” file does not seem to work ??

#define SSID “GalaxyRVR”
#define PASSWORD “12345678”

When I monitor the serial port “in run mode” after pressing the reset button on the RVR shield, I see the following:

GalaxyRVR version 1.1.0
…ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FASAo
[OK] 1.4.0
ESP32 firmware version 1.4.0
checkFirmwareVersion: 1.4.0
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command

Please help, thanks

Did you install thoses libraries into Arduino IDE? IRLremote, SoftPWM, ArduinoJson, Sunfounder_AI_Camera
Are you using PC to copy code thru Rvr? If you unzip the file, go to galaxy-rvr-main\galaxy-rvr\galaxy-rvr.ino, open it with Arduino, uncomment AP connection, remove \ in STA connection, enter your wifi information and send it thru the rover. Don’t forget to put little switch to UPLOAD. When it’s done, put it back to RUN, power up the rover and press on reset button. It should work!

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I just solved this.
I had to to install an older “Sunfounder AI Camera” library version, then it worked.
I can now also use the STA or AP mode, no errors on the console.
Version 1.0.6 of the library worked for me, version 1.1.0 does not work for me.


A quick glance suggests that SF may have done a bit of inconsistent renaming of the SSID/APSSID/AP_SSID (no underscore) definitions between releases of the camera and car versions.Maybe?

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Thanks, I’ll have a look.

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Same issue here. Downgrading fixed it.

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