Issue with Galaxy-RVR.ino Code: Unexpected LED Color and Serial Output

Hello everyone,

I uploaded the galaxy-rvr.ino code to my board (GalaxyRVR version 1.1.0). After pressing the RESET button, the backlight glows green instead of blue, as I expected. Additionally, when I open the serial port, I see the following output:

GalaxyRVR version 1.1.0
…ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

[OK] 1.4.0
ESP32 firmware version 1.4.0
checkFirmwareVersion: 1.4.0
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command
…[ERROR] SET+ Unknown command

Does anyone know what might be causing these issues or how I can resolve them? I would appreciate any guidance.

Thank you!

Have you made some modifications into code, about wifi connection?

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No, I haven’t made any modifications to the code related to the Wi-Fi connection. I uploaded the original galaxy-rvr.ino file without any changes. Could this issue be related to the board’s firmware or configuration?

Have you put little switch to RUN position?

And then press RESET button.

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I had to go to an older version of the Sunfounder library.
Look at this entry in the forum:

@Weirdyguy @KipenIvan @JJK
Hi guys, Update:
It may be caused by an error in our SunFounder_AI_Camera library. Please update and install SunFounder_AI_Camera to version 1.1.1, then re-upload the code and see how it works. (As shown in the picture)
We have updated the SunFounder AI Camera library to version 1.1.1, which solves the problem mentioned above. Please rest assured to install the latest version. Thank you.