Hi, I just assembled my picar-x v2. Everything has gone smoothly, including zeroing the servos. But when I turned on the robot-hat for the first time after making the wiring connections, I immediately detected a burning smell, although I didn’t see any smoke. Neither the servos nor the tt motors respond when I run the calibration or the move.py script. The raspberry seems to work fine and I have verified that the camera works with the video_car script. I attach pictures of the robot-hat with the connections I have made.
Please provide us with the problem video to service@sunfounder.com so that we can analyze and resolve the issue.
Could you please separately test and verify if the motor and servo are functioning properly?
Please carefully examine the components (IC) of the robot hat and check if there are any signs of burning or damage.
Ok. How can I separately test and verify if the motor and servo are functioning properly? I zeroed the servos and they seemed to work well
You can run the example for calibrating the motors and servo systems.
Here is the link to the documentation: https://docs.sunfounder.com/projects/picar-x-v20/en/latest/python/python_calibrate.html#calibrate-motors-servo
You can run the 1.move.py example to test the basic movement of PiCar-X.
Here is the link to the documentation:https://docs.sunfounder.com/projects/picar-x-v20/en/latest/python/python_move.html
You can compare the results of running these examples with the description in the documentation. If you’d like, you can also provide us with a video of the execution process for further assistance.
Hi, here you have 3 videos: booting the Rpi and launching the calibrate and move scripts. The car does nothing after the scripts are launched.
Looking carefully the hat I just noticed a slight imperfection in one of the ics. I also upload here a closer picture.
Here is the link for the videos
It is possible that your U9 battery cell has burned out, causing the servo and motor interfaces to malfunction. We will send you a replacement Robot Hat board.Please contact service@sunfounder.com to provide your detailed address.
Ok thanks. But do you mean I also have to change the battery cell?. The battery appears to be charging correctly
No need to replace it. In this case, you only need to replace the robot hat.
The Robot Hat is on the way. Thanks!
Any further help,please feel free to contact.