I am attempting to run the PiDog calibration script after completing my pidog assembly. When I launch the calibration script my pidog head drops to the left and some of the legs also go askew. I am unable to correct them fully with the calibration script. I zeroed out all of the servo’s as I assembled. Any suggestions on what I need to do to fix this? I’ve uploaded a video of the behavior and a screenshot of the calibration values from the script.
I ran into the same issue because I accidentally adjusted the servos after zeroing and before putting them in the correct position. The head was especially tricky. It needs to look exactly like in the paper manual each step (after zeroing twice to be safe), or it will tilt to the side like that when you try to calibrate it. If the servos still moves when you press S or W, then I’d suggest reassemble that one leg and the head.
Make sure the servos are wired in the correct order and run the servo_zeroing.py program in the examples below to turn the servos all the way to 0 degrees. See if the servos are mounted roughly at the correct angle, and then run the 0_calibration.py program for a more precise calibration.