PiDog not responding to sound when it's 'resting'

  1. imu_sh3001_init… fails when I give cmd?

It may be that your 6-DOF IMU module is not connected to the robot hat’s i2c port. The 6-DOF IMU module is connected in series with the 11-channel Light Board module to the robot hat’s i2c port, so please check to make sure it is connected.

  1. Regarding your running example, the sound direction sensor did not recognize the noise?

Please check if the wiring of the sound direction sensor is connected correctly, please provide us the picture.

You can run the 11_sound_direction_read. py example to see if the sound direction sensor can recognize the noise properly.

cd ~/pidog/basic_example

sudo python3

Or you can run the sound_direction_test. py example to see if the sound direction sensor recognizes noise properly.

cd ~/pidog/test

sudo python3

Both of these examples verify that the sound direction sensor is working.

It would be great if you could provide us with a video of the process, so that we can analyze and solve the problem.