PiDog not responding to sound when it's 'resting'

I assembled a Pidog-kit and it functioned well, but without any reason it suddenly produced no sound any more. The only reason for this I can think off, is that it happened after I put the cable wraps around the cables. I bought and assembled a new ‘Robot hat for raspberry pi’. Now the sound is back again.
But when it is in ‘rest’, it does not respond to sound, like clapping in hands i.e.
I removed and put back the Sound Direction Module to check if it was properly connected, but I see no mistakes about that.
The only warning I get is this:
Screenshot from 2024-04-08 15-44-24
I hope the screenshot is visible, if not: the warning is:
imu_sh3001_init…fail when I give the cmd: sudo python3

I would like to have everything working before experimenting with the Phyton-code.

  1. imu_sh3001_init… fails when I give cmd?

It may be that your 6-DOF IMU module is not connected to the robot hat’s i2c port. The 6-DOF IMU module is connected in series with the 11-channel Light Board module to the robot hat’s i2c port, so please check to make sure it is connected.

  1. Regarding your running example, the sound direction sensor did not recognize the noise?

Please check if the wiring of the sound direction sensor is connected correctly, please provide us the picture.

You can run the 11_sound_direction_read. py example to see if the sound direction sensor can recognize the noise properly.

cd ~/pidog/basic_example

sudo python3

Or you can run the sound_direction_test. py example to see if the sound direction sensor recognizes noise properly.

cd ~/pidog/test

sudo python3

Both of these examples verify that the sound direction sensor is working.

It would be great if you could provide us with a video of the process, so that we can analyze and solve the problem.

  1. 1.The 6-DOF IMU is connected in series with the Light Board module, cfr the photo hereby.
    The light board is functioning well, and I checked that the connectors are well positioned before connecting, but if you want more info or pictures about that, no problem.

Finally, maybe I use the wrong power supply: Raspberry PI 27W USB-C Power Supply with is for the raspberry pi5, but which is mentioned as usable for Pi4 also ???

  1. about the wiring of the SDM, please see the 2 photo’s of the pidog, partially disassembled.
    Furthermore: the proposed examples to verify the SDM: see the result on the photo.
    About that I am aware that maybe I do something wrong, please correct me about that.

I will send you the first photo in a first mail, and the other photo’s in more mails, sorry I am a new user apparrently.

second photo

third photo

What version of Raspberry Pi system do you currently have, please let us know so we can reproduce the problem.

After you have ensured that the wiring is correct, update the code base and run the example to see how it works.

Update the robot-hat library:

cd ~/robot-hat

git pull

sudo python3 install

Update the vilib library:

cd ~/vilib

git pull

sudo python3

Update the pidog library:

cd ~/pidog

git pull

sudo python3 install

Once all the updates are successful, restart the Raspberry Pi and go run the example again to see how it works.

In your third image, running the example, there is no path to /pidog/basic_example.

cd ~/pidog/basic_example

sudo python3

I use a Raspberry PI 4B 8GB with Raspberry PI OS (legacy, 32-bit)

I updated the robot-hat-, vilib- and pidog-libraries, but everytime when I give the cmd git pull, I receive an answer: Already up to date, see
attachment nr 1

When I update the pidog library:
Install pidog module.
cd pidog
sudo python3 install
This step will take a little time, so please be patient.
It is installed or updated in about 1 second.

I get the same message when I give in (as you mentioned in both mails):
cd ~/pidog/basic_example…it must be examples in stead of…
see attachment nr 2

I was looking to order a new Sound Direction module and a 6 DOF IMU module, but I don’t find exactly the same product.
I hope you can tell me more about that.


I also have exact same problem. My PiDog is performing as expected in all other sensors, except 6-DOF IMU and sound detection. I also followed exact troubleshooting steps as above, but still I am not seeing any changes in accData while running codes here (10. IMU Read — SunFounder PiDog Kit 1.0 documentation), and also no output while running " sudo python3"

Could you please help me troubleshooting these issues? Here is the output of “sudo python3”:

robot_hat init … done
imu_sh3001 init … done
rgb_strip init … done
dual_touch init … done
sound_direction init … done
sound_effect init … done
ultrasonic init … done
accData: -16384.0, 0.0, 0.0 gyroData: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
accData: -16384.0, 0.0, 0.0 gyroData: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
accData: -16384.0, 0.0, 0.0 gyroData: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
accData: -16384.0, 0.0, 0.0 gyroData: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

It seems that all sensors has been detected and functional. However, IMU and sound detection sensors are not working properly…

Thanks a lot for your support in advance.

When I tried the pick-up cmd to test its reaction, there was none, cfr the photo about that

  1. Sound direction module does not work?

The reason should be a software problem, we have fixed it, you re-update the code library, and then go to run the sample code to see how it works.

Update the robot-hat library.

cd ~/robot-hat

git pull

sudo python3 install

Update the vilib library: cd ~/vilib

cd ~/vilib

git pull

sudo python3

Update the pidog library: cd ~/pidog

cd ~/pidog

git pull

sudo python3 install

2 . 6-DOF IMU module does not work?

You have connected the cables correctly, start pidog and see if the red color of the 6-DOF IMU module lights up. If it doesn’t light up, it may be damaged.

If you update the code and then run the example about 6-DOF IMU module, it still reports the same error and does not work properly, it may be that the 6-DOF IMU module is damaged, we can send you a replacement 6-DOF IMU module.

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Thanks for the quick response,

  1. about the sound direction module:
    when I updated the pidog-lib and first putted in git pull, I saw that there was 1 file changed… Pidog responds now to sound:
    cd ~/pidog/examples
    sudo python3
    It’s OK

  2. The red color of the 6-DOF IMU module lights red up (it always did), but being picked up has nog reaction:
    cd ~/pidog/examples
    sudo python3

also when I ‘balance’ it:
cd ~/pidog/examples
sudo python3
and put it on a table, it start walking, but there is no adjustment when I lift a corner or a side of the table.
please find a photo hereby.

  1. Finally: exept the 6-DOF-IMU, all other functions are working in good order.

Thanks for your response!

Updating the software resolved my problem with the sound direction module. It is working perfectly :smiley:

However, it didn’t resolve my problem with the 6-DOF IMU module, and I am still getting the same constant numbers with it. I can see its red light turned properly, but its reported data is not correct.

Could you please help me with this?

We estimate that we will need to send you a replacement 6-DOF IMU module to see if it works.
A customer service agent will contact you later via your email.

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Thanks for your support!

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I al looking forward to this mail :+1:

An after-sales person will contact you later.

Continuing the discussion from PiDog not responding to sound when it's 'resting':

1.The 6-DOF IMU is connected in series with the Light Board module, cfr the photo hereby.
The light board is functioning well, and I checked that the connectors are well positioned before connecting, but if you want more info or pictures about that, no problem.
2. about the wiring of the SDM, please see the 2 photo’s of the pidog, partially disassembled.
Furthermore: the proposed examples to verify the SDM: see the result on the photo.
About that I am aware that maybe I do something wrong, please correct me about that.

Finally, maybe I use the wrong power supply: Raspberry PI 27W USB-C Power Supply with is for the raspberry pi5, but which is mentioned as usable for Pi4 also ???

1.The 6-DOF IMU is connected in series with the Light Board module, cfr the photo hereby.
The light board is functioning well, and I checked that the connectors are well positioned before connecting, but if you want more info or pictures about that, no problem.
2. about the wiring of the SDM, please see the 2 photo’s of the pidog, partially disassembled.
Furthermore: the proposed examples to verify the SDM: see the result on the photo.
About that I am aware that maybe I do something wrong, please correct me about that.

Finally, maybe I use the wrong power supply: Raspberry PI 27W USB-C Power Supply with is for the raspberry pi5, but which is mentioned as usable for Pi4 also ???

The after sales person contacted me and I gave all the infomation needed.
He told me that the 6 DOF IMU module was send, but until now I did not receive it.
I would like to buy such module, but when I search for it on the internet, I don’t find the same version.
Can you help me further with this please.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay. Our customer service team has already provided you with the latest tracking information for your shipment.Please note that the Pidog is a customized development exclusive to our company. The specific modules used in this product are not available on the internet.