Pironman 5 build with success

Hi, I’m new to the industry, greetings, brought myself a Pironman 5 Rasberry pi 5 8GB back in January, assembled the Pironman 5 with no prior experience, followed the instructions that came with the Pironman 5 & the sunfounder tutorial on YouTube, initial boot was from sd card I then ran sudo apt update/upgrade I then went on to install the Pironman 5 software following the instructions from the sunfounder website after rebooting fans leds & oled screen came into effect, I then used the sd card copier in preferences to copy the sd card to nvme, ran sudo raspi-config advanced options changed the boot order to boot from nvme pcIe speed enabled gen 3 after a reboot Pironman 5 worked fine with no complications. Kind regards.

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