Pironman 5 GPIO fans not controlled from 6.6.45 kernel

With rpi-update, from kernel 6.6.45 (commit 39f724da259ac1930ed38a1b9a7b1f96cff76963), the GPIO fans are not controlled anymore and stay on permanently.

The last working commit is 6.6.44, 44a287fe97c04506841fe3b3e794c70a2e01c7de

Due to medical issues I’m not able to dive into the cause for this. So hopefully someone is willing to pick this up.

if people have these problems, they can switch to the commit mentioned to get the GPIO fans to work again until it gets fixed:

rpi-update 44a287fe97c04506841fe3b3e794c70a2e01c7de

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1.If you are saying that the RGB fans continue to work when the PI5 is turned off, you need to configure the shutdown to deactivate the GPIO power. The RGB fans will only stop working after the PI5 is shut down. Please refer to the tutorial: Set Up on Raspberry Pi/Ubuntu/Kali/Homebridge OS. Remember, the configuration will only take effect after restarting the PI5.
2.If you are using commands to control the RGB fans, please follow the instructions in this tutorial: Control with Commands. Remember that after each modification to the controls, you need to execute the command to restart the pironman5 software service for the changes to take effect. Use the following command:
sudo systemctl restart pironman5.service

Hi there, yes, I’m aware of these steps (but useful for people new to the topic).

Actually what I’m saying is that with these newer kernel versions the fans stay on no matter what.

Same for me, I didn’t notice before but I saw RGB fan on, cpu is cold and setting in dashboard are set to default. I reinstalled Pironman5 software, same issue.

Have some changes between new kernel and Pironman5? Any update in progress? How can I get back with previous kernel?

What system are you currently using, and what is the version?
It is possible that after the official system update, the kernel version was also updated, which may have caused the pironman5 software to be partially incompatible.
Our pironman5 software has not been updated or changed.
Have you tried other compatible systems?
It seems that this issue occurs only on a specific system.

It occurs on Raspberry Pi OS (the current version which is Debian Bookworm) and happens after running `rpi-update which I described above.

Currently, you are unable to stop the RGB fan from working regardless of the mode you switch to. This issue may be caused by an update to the system kernel.

Have you updated the Raspberry Pi system kernel yourself?

We have reproduced this issue. When we installed the Pironman 5 software on the kernel version 6.6.31, all functions worked normally. However, when we updated the kernel version to 6.6.47, we encountered the same situation as you. We will work to resolve this issue as soon as possible, appreciate your patient!

We recommend reinstalling the system and then installing our Pironman 5 software to see if it functions correctly.

Thank you for your understanding. I appreciate it.

No, I am trying to explain to you that the rpi-update command will update the kernel to the latest version. Users are not required to do this. But they may choose to do so if they want the latest kernel.

No that is not necessary. Look where I explained in my first post:

rpi-update 44a287fe97c04506841fe3b3e794c70a2e01c7de

This command will downgrade the kernel to 6.6.44. After this command, GPIO works again. The hash comes from the rpi-firmware github repository. I tested it myself: this hash is the most recent commit, right before the problem starts to occur.


I had the same issue and this post was very helpful. Thanks

I have the same issue … when can we expect a patch ?

Regarding the issue of not being able to control the RGB fan after updating the kernel, we apologize for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the gpiozero library.

You can refer to the following link:

The current solution is to execute:

sudo ln -s gpiochip0 /dev/gpiochip4

Then, go to the PC dashboard to control the RGB fan and check the results.

Alternatively, you can downgrade the kernel by executing the following command:

sudo rpi-update 44a287fe97c04506841fe3b3e794c70a2e01c7de

After that, restart your Raspberry Pi 5 and try to control the RGB fan again.