Pironman 5 LED (WS2812) not working

I installed the Pironman 5 and it is working for the most part.

The LEDs are not working at all. They have never turned on. The display is working fine now.

I am getting errors of ERROR Failed to initialize WS2812 in pm_auto.pm_auto.log, and
Failed to initialize WS2812: /deve/spidev0.0 does not exist in pm_auto.ws2812.log.

Have not tried an SSD as of yet.

Did you update all system : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt full-upgrade
Then update the kernel : sudo rpi-update and then reboot pi5 and see if it’s work?

Apt-get updates I did complete previously. The rpi-update was just completed with no changes.

still no leds

looks like spidev now exists and the WS2812 was able to initialize, but nothing is showing. I’ll try another reboot and play with the commands

tried the commands and restarting the services. Nothing is showing, but everything is being accepted. Using default pin 10

1.Please check if the RGB jumper on the IO expansion board is properly connected.
2.Could you let us know what system you are currently using?
3.Run the command sudo raspi-config to enter the settings page and check if SPI is enabled. If it’s not enabled, please enable SPI. After enabling it, restart the Pironman 5.
Alternatively, you can execute the command:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

Add the following line at the end of the file:


Press Ctrl+X, then Y to save and exit. After that, restart the Pironman 5 and check the results.

Already checked all this. The spi was not turned on and the display did not work. Once I turned it on the display started to work.

Running raspberry Pi raspbian bookworm. The standard base raspberry pi install.

I checked the jumper and it is set for pin 10.
All jumpers are on in default position.

All working now. I think I had the wrong version of pironman working. once i did a systemctl stop and start of pironman5.service it started to work.

Thanks. Now I just have to get the IR working.

Wish you all the best with your project