i use a raspberry pi5 included in Pironman 5 case. I want to use a Sense-Hat card but problem with OS when i run a python script. SenseHat not found ? Can you confirm incompatibility between Sense-Hat and your IO Expander ??
The GPIO pins on our Pironman5 extend the GPIO pins of the PI5 to the outside, so the pins on the IO expansion board are standard pins for the PI5. If the PI5 is compatible, then the IO expansion board will be compatible as well.
You might want to try running the Sense HAT with the PI5 alone to see how it performs.
Please note that the libraries used for the PI5 differ from those used for the PI4 and earlier boards. The PI5 uses GPIO Zero, while the PI4 and earlier models use RPi.GPIO.
For more information about the Sense HAT, I recommend visiting the official PI5 forum to ask questions.https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=377231
Merci pour votre réponse rapide.
je vais essayer la carte Sense-Hat sur le PI5 seul afin de lever le doute