[Solved] Cannot install vilib on PiCrawler

Hey there,

I recently got my PiCrawler and started to set it up yesterday. Therefore, I was installing all the python modules as described in the tutorial but I’m struggling installing the ‘vilib’ package. I cloned it but when I run the ‘install.py’ script I get the following message

Start installing vilib 0.3.8 for user pi
Python version: 3.7.3
Raspbian version: 10 (32bit)

System not be supported.Requires system in bullseye(11) or newer.

Has anyone suffered a similar issue or an idea how to resolve the problem? Sorry for being such a noob :frowning:

I’m using a RaspberryPi 4B with 8GB memory

Thanks in advance.


PS: Googling this issue was no success :frowning:

Well… Nevermind… Sorry for being stupid :man_facepalming: I thought the error message meant I need a different type of RobotHat-OS… Now I know it meant the RaspberryPi-OS :smiley:

I simply installed a newer version of the OS and now it seems to work :slight_smile:

Pease refer to:Quick Guide on Python — SunFounder PiCrawler Kit documentation