Error "brce-pcie.1000110000.pcie: link down"

Hi there, just assembled my sunfounder case with a new Pi5 and WD Black 1TB drive.

I followed all the steps and ‘should’ be able to boot off the nvme drive. I did format it for Pi5 and the full Windowed O/S.

But after getting the splash screen about Welcome to Pi Desktop it goes to a CLI Debian screen and shows the error of:

“brce-pcie.1000110000.pcie: link down”

Any idea what that means? Drive in compatible? I reset the ribbon cable a few times.




Have you look at list of compatible NVMe : Compitable NVMe SSD — SunFounder Pironman 5 documentation

And then you follow instructions : Install the Raspberry Pi OS — SunFounder Pironman 5 documentation

Have you try to install OS on SD card, latest rasbian(bookworm) desktop and see if NVMe is recognized, if the green led flash on NVMe hat.

PCIe ribben is plugged correctly.

I messed up - so I read the supported list and saw * Western Digital SN850"

I ordered that, but it ended up being a WD BLACK drive, which is in the UNSUPPORTED list. Woops!

Just stuck a SUPPORTED drive in there and it works fine.

Current list for others just in case: Compitable NVMe SSD — SunFounder Pironman 5 documentation

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Envoy your Pironman5! :wink: