Making a current monitor using Arduino UNO R4

I would like to monitor a DC current of a device to determine if it changes over time. Not sure which technique to use. Using a small shunt resistor seems the simplest, but I’m not sure the analog inputs have the resolution to accurately measure the small volage drop across a ~1ohm resistor. Any comments are welcome.

To make a current monitor using the Arduino UNO R4, you will need some electronic components and sensors. Here is how to make a basic current monitor:
Bill of Materials:
Arduino UNO R4 motherboard
Current sensor (e.g. Hall effect current sensor)
Connecting wires
Resistor (depending on the requirements of the current sensor)
Connect the Arduino UNO R4 to the computer and open the Arduino IDE software.
Connect the current sensor to the Arduino motherboard. Current sensors typically have three pins: VCC, GND, and SIGNAL.Connect the VCC pin to the Arduino’s 5V pin, the GND pin to the Arduino’s GND pin, and the SIGNAL pin to the Arduino’s analog input pin (e.g., A0).
Depending on the requirements of the current sensor, a resistor may need to be added. The method of connecting the resistor will depend on the model and specifications of the current sensor. Please refer to the current sensor’s documentation for the correct connection method.
Open a new project in the Arduino IDE.
Write Arduino code to read the value of the current sensor. The following is a simple sample code:
const int currentSensorPin = A0; // Analog input pin connected to the current sensor
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
Initialize serial communication }

void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(currentSensorPin); // Read the value from the analog input pin
float current = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 5); // Map the sensor value to the current range (assuming the current sensor outputs a range of 0-5V)

Serial.print("Current: "); // Map the sensor value to the current range (assuming the current sensor outputs a range of 0-5V).
Serial.print(current); // Map the sensor value to the current range (assuming the current sensor outputs a range of 0-5V)
Serial.print(“Current: “); Serial.print(current); Serial.println(” A”);

delay(1000); // Optional: Delay for one second

Upload the code to the Arduino UNO R4 board.
Turn on the Serial Monitor to see the current value read. Make sure the baud rate is set to match the Serial.begin() function in the code.
Now, after you connect the current sensor and upload the code to the Arduino UNO R4 motherboard, the Serial Monitor will display the current value read every second. You can make more extensions and improvements according to your needs, such as adding an LCD display or storing data to an SD card.