Pironman 5 Dashboard blank

Hello, I just finished setting up my Pironman 5 kit but when I try to go to the dash from a browser the page is blank. The only thing I can do is switch to dark mode

Did you update the OS? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
And update the kernel sudo rpi-update
Then sudo reboot

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Thank you for the response. It’s still comes up blank though :frowning:

You’ve installed the lastest version of Pironman5 software? Which OS are you using?

I’m running Pi OS. I’ve copy pasted the script to update a few times: it always says there are 0 things to update and 0 things were added

You even install Pironman5 software with those commands?
cd ~
git clone GitHub - sunfounder/pironman5: Code for Raspberry Pi 5 case (Pironman5)
cd ~/pironman5
sudo python3 install.py

Yes. I think I installed it right. The OLED, 4 LEDs and CPU fan are working but the two fans with the RGBs have not turned on and the dashboard is blank.


Can you take a picture of the log file?
cat /opt/pironman5/log

sudo systemctl status pironman5.service


It seems that the dashbord is not working if you are using “localhost” or “”.

You should use your IP adresse.


Do I enter “localhost:number that comes up on the OLED screen”?

You should enter the numbers from the OLED screen then “:34001”

For exemple,

:man_facepalming:t5: Yep that was it. Thanks your help!

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