Pironman V2 with android

Last time I got pironman v2 with good price and first think was to make portable TV stick. On Raspbian installing is realy easy and everything works but for TV KODI is… uncomfortable :slight_smile:

I Installed Android TV by Konstakang link: AOSP (Android 14) for Raspberry Pi 5 (konstakang.com)

Is it possible to connect and install every Pironman’s repositories on android?
I tried by Termux but after installation i got this massages during open script:
“root@localhost:~/pironman# pironman start
Warning: Cannot find boot configuration file
restarting pironman
stopping pironman
run in background
pironman start succeed”

Termux doesn’t need boot configuration files so it will be hard to find it. Do you have any ideas to install reps on andro?

Sorry our pironman V2 software is not compatible with Android.
We recommend you to follow our compatible systems: