Pironman 5 // Raspberry pi os 64 2024-07-04 How to : KODI autostart on wake up ? How to do?

Hi, I am new here and with the world of Raspberry pi.

Pironman 5 + raspbian os 64 + “drivers for pironman screen/fans…” + kodi installed correctly : all is working fine on a NVME ssd.

=> I try to make KODI start directly when I put “on” my Pironman 5.
=> But no option work for me, I make probably errors somewhere

I did the 3 first méthod describe here without succès :

On a linux install on computer X64 intel : no problem with those méthods : all works ?!

Why not on the Py ?
Is this install : “drivers for pironman screen/fans…” that create spécific configuration file for starting somewhere ?

Do you have a solution that work to make KODI start directly when I put on my Pironman ?

Thanks in advance, have a nice day,

Our Pironman 5 tutorial does not include instructions for installing Kodi; such information is only available for our Pironman V2 case. Additionally, Kodi can only be used on the OSMC operating system, which is not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5.

Using Kodi on the Pi 5 may cause the Pironman 5 to function improperly. Unfortunately, we have not tested this configuration and do not have any technical information to share regarding its compatibility.

Hello, thank you for the answer.

**I have found a way here : it’s simple by this way : **

=> GitHub - Botspot/autostar: Conveniently manage programs to launch on startup

Yet, with all working on pironman5, kodi start directly.

For thoses who need something to start an application directly : it works with all : firefox, gimp, blender….

For the people that have invented the pironman 5 : it’s very nice and well think ! Nvme give really fast response compared to sd card. :ok_hand::+1:


Any further help,please feel free to contact.