RGB Fan "always on" after latest Pironman Home Assistant Add-on Update

I installed the latest Pironman5 Add-on update for Home Assistant this afternoon and noticed some strange behavior:

The RGB Fans are defaulting to ‘Always On’ setting. If I reboot the entire Raspberry Pi device they revert back to ‘always on’. Same thing if I restart the add-on. Restarting Home Assistant (only) does not reset the value (since Add-ons don’t get restarted during a Home Assistant reboot only).

Is there a new or different step I need to save and persist the settings?

In looking further my other changes are also not saving - such as RGB Style - that is reverted to “Breathing” instead of the different choice I make.

This is the output of the Debug:

I’m running version 1.1.3 of the add-on

25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] FanControl init
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] FAN update_config: {'rgb_color': '#0a1aff', 'rgb_brightness': 50, 'rgb_style': 'breathing', 'rgb_speed': 50, 'rgb_enable': True, 'rgb_led_count': 4, 'temperature_unit': 'C', 'oled_enable': True, 'oled_rotation': 0, 'oled_disk': 'total', 'oled_network_interface': 'all', 'gpio_fan_pin': 6, 'gpio_fan_mode': 0, 'gpio_fan_led': 'follow', 'gpio_fan_led_pin': 5, 'interval': 1}
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] Update gpio_fan_pin to 6
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] Update gpio_fan_mode to 0
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] Update gpio_fan_led to follow
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] Update gpio_fan_led_pin to 5
25/02/12 19:50:56.950 [DEBUG] Init GPIO Fan with pin: 6
25/02/12 19:50:56.980 [DEBUG] Init PWM Fan
25/02/12 19:50:57.140 [INFO] PWM Fan is supported, sync all other fan with pwm fan
25/02/12 19:51:35.808 [DEBUG] FAN update_config: {'gpio_fan_mode': 2}
25/02/12 19:51:35.808 [DEBUG] Update gpio_fan_mode to 2
25/02/12 19:53:46.141 [DEBUG] FAN update_config: {'rgb_style': 'rainbow'}

The FanControl init step seems to reset those settings each time the add-on starts up regardless of the settings prior to startup or restarting the add-on.

We are very sorry, the problem has been fixed.
Please update and install the pironman5 software again.
cd ~/pironman5
git pull
sudo python3 install.py

Or you can reinstall your system and go back to install the pironman5 software to verify that it works.