Speaker does not work suddenly in PiCar-x

I purchased PiCar with Battery one week ago. It had been working perfectly untill today under Open-Ai ChatGpt. But, suddenly, it did not talk after power-on. I re-installed everything from scratch but installation of i2samp says “sound device is defective”. Is there anything which I can reset the robot-hat hardware?

1.Suggest to reinstall i2samp, if there is any problem, please provide complete screenshots to us.
2. please provide clear pictures of the speaker surface for us to see.
What version of picar-x are you currently using, and is the speaker on the robot hat on the bottom or top.
If it is on the bottom, please remove the robot-hat and check if the speaker on the back is good. Another possible scenario is that if there is a metal cooling pad installed on the raspberry pi CPU it may press on the speaker diaphragm and prevent it from producing sound.

I reistalled i2samp multiple times. Still no sound.

Speaker is on the top of robot-hat. Speaker surface looks OK. I do not use metal cooling pad.

I bought another PiCar kit to get new robot-hat.(because single robot-hat was sold-out in Amazon.) I replaced by the new robot-hat and now PiCar is speaking OK.

I stole a speaker part from my old Arduino Robot and replaced the defective speaker on the Nonspeaking-Robot-Hat. It fixed the problem and PiCar is now speaking OK. Please close this case session. Thank you.

Please contact the after-sales e-mail: service@sunfounder.com
We replenish a new RobotHat for you!

No, thank you. This Robot-Hat is working fine now. I will continue using the one.
Anyway, thank you for your good support!

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