Picrawler speaker sound issues

I just built the Picrawler and installed all the software onto the RaspberryPi, and everything works except for the speaker. It makes a noise when the raspberryPi is powering on and shutting down, but not whenever I try to get them to make a noise from a python script like the sound_effect.py one or twist.py. I also haven’t tried downloading the EZblock OS. I am a high school student working on this in an engineering class, and my teacher also couldn’t help me with this problem. I noticed some other people on these forums got new Robot-hats? anyways I am just looking for advice on this issue.

side note- I am aiming to modify this robot by adding 3d printed feet to it and then atttaching gecko skin to those, so if you have any recommendations about how I could attach them, or someone else who could help me with that, that would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

1.What version of Raspberry Pi system are you currently using?
2.If your robot does not sound, please make sure whether you have executed the i2samp.sh script or not, and whether there is any error report during the installation process, if so, please provide the screenshot of the error report to us, so that we can analyze and solve the problem.
Here is the command to install i2samp.sh:
cd ~/picrawler
sudo bash i2samp.sh
and reboot the Raspberry Pi system
The robot’s vocalizations are emitted from the robot hat’s speaker, which is located underneath the robot hat, as you can see.
If you run the i2samp.sh script and then go to run the sound example, and it still doesn’t sound, please run sudo killall pulseaudio again, and then go to run the sound example again, and see if it sounds properly.