Hello, I am new to Raspberry Pi and I have the raphael kit. I am stuck on the cmd prompt where it says to place the RFID reader, it does not find either of the cards, and I am hoping someone out here can offer some advice on what I might be doing wrong.
We recommend that you provide us with a screenshot of the problem, so that we can help you analyze the problem.
Please follow our tutorial in order:
So I get to step 4 and the reader does nothing, also, the chip blinks red, it does not stay solid. I do not know if it should be solid.
After you run the code, point your white card or electronic key at the MFRC522 RFID module to recognize it. Only then can you read and write.
Okay, so for clarification, I have used both cards provided with the kit and nothing happens. The cmd line just stays the same as the pic I uploaded. I am using a Raspberry Pi5, I read there is some GPIO trouble between the 4 and 5 with this kit, is that maybe a cause?
We are very sorry, we have reproduced the problem you are experiencing and it will take us time to fix the problem.
For now you try to play with C and see if it works properly reading and writing yet. We have tested it with no problems.
Thank you for your help, I will do that