I was wondering if you can use a power adapter greater than the 27w one? I have some extra Dell USB-C power supplies, but they are 65w. Can I use them on the Pironman 5?
Many thanks…
Look at the fine print on your power adapter, my usb-c computer power supply of 65w only delivers that power at a higher voltage than 5 volts, at 5 volts it only delivers 15 watts (3 Amps). I also tried two different power supplies that weren’t usb-c but were spec’d to supply 5 amps at 5 volts, neither one worked with the Pi 5. The official 27w power supply does the job very well, even with the Pironman5 case and CPU cooler fans running at full CPU load.
sparky is absolutely right.
It doesn’t help that the power supply you are using is at a high power level.
The main thing to look at is whether that power supply can provide 5A output at 5V.
Currently using the official PI5 27W power supply is perfect.
Thanks! The Dell power supply only does 5v @ 3 amps which sucks.
I’ll stick with the official PI5 27W power supply
Good to know!
All you need to worry about is the voltage. The current doesn’t matter as long as it is equal or greater than the required load. A device will only draw as much current as it needs. Ohm’s law…E over I times R.
Yes, printed on the back of the Dell power supply, the 5vdc output is only 3 amps, which is only 15 watts, which apparently isn’t enough to power the Pironman5 case.
Just to further clarify, it is not just about “powering the Pironman5 case”.
Try powering a bare Pi5 with that same power supply and that Pi5 will complain of having insufficient power also. In other words, the requirement for 5V@5A is not for the case, it is for the Pi5.