Can't connect my new Picar-x

Just built this kit for my grandson and can’t get it to connect to EZblock studio
I calibrated the servos correctly so the os I flashed seems to work and it boots up and plays a tune and has a blinking green light. Now I need to get it to connect. Do I need to connect it via usb to enable wifi and bluetooth? My computer does not recognize it as a usb device when I plug it in so that may be a problem. Do I need to use a phone? My computer has wifi and bluetooth.

Since my computer doesn’t seem to see the thing at all I tried my phone and got it to see ezb-raspberry pi but that was only because during boot the white bluetooth light flashes once boot is complete no light and my phone could not connect. I do not think wifi or bluetooth are currently enabled. How can I enable them?

Have you configure wifi into imager before copying software on SD card?

Have you try this?

I flashed the ezblock/raspberry pi os as is. There was no mention of configuring anything in etcher. I cannot connect to wifi or bluetooth. Also using the web version of ezblock studio I do not get any permission questions when opening it.

I would have done that if I was using python but I followed the directions for EZblock. Does ezblock not function with the picar-x? The instructions for ezblock specify using the “etcher” imager. Can I reflash my SSD with the os for ezblock using this other flasher?.
I also found mention of “Sunfounder Create Agent” that is supposed enable SSH but it does not seem to exist anymore. Sunfounder Create Agent — sunfounder-create-agent 1.0 documentation
Is that why I cannot connect to wifi either? Using my phone I was able to “see” the bluetooth name “ezb-raspberry pi” but it still won’t connect on ezblock studio.

It doesn’t matter if you are using ezblock or python. Its the flashing method that changes the route. I did not notice that you said you were using etcher, apologies for that, it’s a bit clearer now. So you’re probably using a PC/MAC for the flashing.

So, you are correct, wifi information cannot be entered prior to flashing for etcher. It will need to be done via Bluetooth after install

Can I assume that you are using ezblock version 3 ? So you followed this guide?

In summary

  1. Install ezblock OS onto sdcard via etcher
  2. Install Ezblock studio onto pc/mobile
  3. Put sdcard into picar
  4. boot
  5. Launch ezblock on PC/phone
  6. Connect via bluetooth
  7. Enter wifi info

Did all the stages work correctly? How far did it get without error?

If you installed onto a pc during phase 2, can you try on a mobile instead? Or vice versa.

Does ezblock not function with the picar
It works fine.

Hi again and thanks for your help. I am going backwards now unfortunately. Picar-x no longer boots to the music. I tried to use a different version of the ezb-raspberry os and flashed the sd card again and it did not work. I deleted all the partitions of the card under disc management and reflashed it with the os that worked and now all I get is a flashing bluetooth light and 2 clicks from the speaker and the battery light flashes off and then on with the clicks. I guess I can’t reuse SD cards. Before all this I got all the way to 6 on my phone and ezblock studio saw the bluetooth name correctly but never could connect no matter how many times I tried. That is why I tried the other os.

Maybe give a break to your picar, let it plug to usb to fully charge batteries, take a beer or 2 change your mind.

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Well I finally got it back to where I was this morning. It plays its little tune again and that is all. Ezblock studio sees it as ezb-raspberry but it won’t connect when I tap it. I can’t use wifi because it needs BT to enable it. I don’t know what else to do.

Ok, so the wifi may be ok, but we just can’t get that far due to initial BT not connecting. It all seems to boot correctly too, got it. All good so far

It may be useful to be able to see the rpi4 directly. Do you have a monitor/tv with hdmi and a micro hdmi cable? And a keyboard that you can beg/borrow?

If you do then you can plug them in to the picar and check directly whats going on. Or, use this setup to flash a sd card with the pi flasher, this then with wifi preconfigured etc.

You mention that you cannot reuse sdcards, that’s not correct. You can use them hundreds of times. Although I do have a vague recollection that etcher had problems with bootable sdcard partions, but that’s going back many years, so I may have misremembered

Ignore above!
Just discovered that there is a rpi-imager tool available for both pc and mac

Described and downloaded from here

That should make life a lot easier, preconf wifi, ssh etc

I was thinking the same. If I can use the pi imager to set up wifi I won’t need bluetooth. Can I load the ezblock os using that imager? I think something is wrong with the BT since my computer has BT and will not even show the picar at all no less connect. It shows any other BT device I have but that. It does come up using my phone and ezblock studio but won’t connect. Also what does the flashing green led on the hat mean?

Yes you can use it to install any image. Just follow the appropriate instructions.

Ok I am giving it a try. What hostname do I need? raspberrypi is preset as the default. User name is preset as neil but do I need a password? Should I enable SSH with password or “public key”?
The SSID and password was correctly entered as default. I assume I say yes to apply customizations settings and I am good to flash.

I cannot answer most of those questions, it entirely depends upon what you have done previously: network, host, security etc, which I have no idea about.

I’ve taken my best most likely guesses below

What hostname do I need? raspberrypi is preset as the default.
That is fine, it’s just an alias

User name is preset as neil but do I need a password?
I do not know. If you’ve set up neil with a password then yes.

Should I enable SSH with password or “public key”?
Password would probably be simplest, but key would be more secure, but I do not know your environment If you are unsure, then I’d suggest googling the question and then deciding.

Neil is just a folder name under Windows. There is no password so I guess I can leave it blank. Is the SSH password the same as WiFi? I am not worried about security. Thanks again. I am going for it…wish me luck

Good luck. Sorry I cannot be directly more helpful, I’m not a Windows user, so at best I can take educated guesses

Again, that’s up to you. Your wifi will certainly have its own password, but if you wish to make your ssh password the same, then that’s up to you