Can't connect PyCrawler to EzBlock Studio in Browser

Hi all,

I’ve spent the morning trying to connect my new PyCrawler to EzBlock Studio using a Chrome browser, but had no success.

Here are my steps:

I’ve used the latest Raspberry Imager (imager_1.8.5.exe) and set the following:

  • Raspberry Pi Device: Raspberry Pi 4 (as I have a 4 B)
  • OS: Use custom, then use the latest image (
  • Storage: Select my microSD card

Then I used CTRL+SHIFT+X to open the Advanced options and followed the online guide.
I used this username and password:
Username: pi
Password: raspberry

Once the image is written, I insert it into the robot and go to the EzBlock Studio site, using Chrome Browser, without any ad blocker or firewall.
I switch on the PyCrawler and wait it to make its little sound.
Then in the upper right corner of the website, I set the product to PyCrawler and click on connect.
Here I’ve tried several things but nothing worked:

  • the IP address that appears under IPv4 when I type ipconfig in cmd.
  • the IPv4 address I get on
  • the hostname that appears when I type hostname in cmd.

To confirm: my laptop is connected to the same wireless LAN than the one specified in Raspberry OS image.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

What you are saying is that you have ezblock OS installed, have configured the network, inserted the SD card with the ezblock OS system installed into the Raspberry Pi and started the robot.
Go to the browser to visit ezblock studio, enter the IP of the robot to connect, but it didn’t connect successfully, right?

  1. Please make sure the robot’s IP is entered correctly.
  2. Is your computer’s network in the same LAN as the robot’s network? If not, you can’t connect successfully.

You have to be in the same LAN to connect successfully.

Thanks for th quick reply. Where can I find the robot 's IP address?

  1. You configured your home WiFi network when you installed the system earlier, you can check the connection in your home WiFi hotspot, you can see what devices are connected to the WiFi hotspot, and also show the IP.
  2. Or your robot can connect to the display and start the robot, enter your username and password to log in to the system, and enter: ifconfig on the system terminal, you can view the IP. (As shown in the picture)

Thanks that worked!
What I actually did was to go into the settings of my wifi router that lists all the devices connected, and found the Raspberry Pi’s IP address.

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