Going nuts on disconnecting WiFi on Pi 5, in need of advice

Hey all,

The WiFi onboard the raspberry pi is bad really bad, pi4 or pi5 (got both) it is just not good enough.
I’m sitting only a couple of meters from my mesh router and no matter on 2.4 or 5 ghz it keeps disconnecting now and then.

Recently build into the Pironman5 and it is even worse now as to be expected.
To let you know, I do not have any WiFi issues with other devices at all even on 3 to 4 times the distance I’m using the pi now.

I searched and searched and one of the tips I found was to switch of power management of the network connection but it doesn’t help a bit.

So now I’m looking into a usb wifi dongle with antenna.
Are there any brands/models confirmed working on the Raspberry pi you can recommend me ?

Thanks in advance, Luc

This one look great, compatible with rpi.

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Thanks buddy. Ordered in, should be here tomorrow. Will let you know how it does :wink:

Ps used amazon.nl by the way

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Hey buddy,

Just to let you know I got it in and the installation was actually not that hard at all either. Before starting I made sure the onboard wifi and bt were disabled.
Trick of course is that to install the drivers you need to have internet connection LOL. I had a long utp cable laying around so in the end it was a breeze and the connection is solid and full force now. :slight_smile:
Kudo’s and thanks for the tip

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I had my Pironman 5 in my office and my phone was getting good wifi speeds. The Pi in my case was getting almost zero and disconnected constantly. I have a Google Nest Extender in my office and I checked it out and for some reason it was offline and not in the mesh, I rebooted that and now my Pi in the case gets a good download speed.

Phone 200/40
Pironman5 80/40

The case is definitely shielding signal I think. I wish I had a baseline from the Pi caseless but alas.