I'm Raspberry Fried

I have too many Raspberry Pi’s. I’m fried :slight_smile:

Waiting patiently for the Pironman5 to be released so I can have my ultimate home server. At the moment my old RPi3 is still doing the heavy lifting.

I originally had my Pi4 Ironman sitting on top of the Sunfounder UPS but it was a little top heavy, mounting to the side was better, even though only 3 of the 4 screws lined up.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with Raspberry Pi projects on our forum, and your anticipation for the upcoming Pironman5 is quite exciting. It’s great to see community members sharing their creativity and tips, like your stable Pi4 mounting solution. If you have any questions or need support with your projects, please feel free to ask. We’re also looking forward to the Pironman5 and believe it will bring new possibilities to our community. Keep up the great work and enthusiasm, and we can’t wait to see your next project!