I purchased this pironman case. Assembly was straight forward. There was no oiled display but I continued anyway. I set it up according to section. Ran the config. Then try I’d some changes to the settings and here is where I have an issue. The power switch lights but with out the OLED display not sure if it is working. Set the fan to 30 degrees Fahrenheit and it does come on. The RGB strip turns on. I get an error that says [Erron 121] I/O error when starting OLED.
1.Please check if the OLED screen is properly connected and secure. It is recommended that you unplug and reconnect it.
2.Please check if your i2c is enabled. If not, please execute the command “sudo raspi-config” to enter the settings page and enable i2c.
3.Please provide us with the Pironman log file, which will help us analyze and solve the problem.
The log file path is: /opt/pironman/log
You can execute the command: cat /opt/pironman/log
I2C is enabled (rebooted) and i have tried several times to re-install the screen. No luck
1.What system are you currently using, and what is the version of that system?
Please provide this information to us, as it will help us reproduce the problem and find a solution.
2.Please provide the Pironman log file, as it will help us analyze and solve the problem.
The log path is: /opt/pironman/log
The command to execute is: cat /opt/pironman/log
24/05/31 13:57:27,738 [DEBUG] power_key_pin : 16
24/05/31 13:57:27,738 [DEBUG] fan_pin : 6
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] update_frequency : 0.5
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] temp_unit : C
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] fan_temp : 30.0
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] screen_always_on : True
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] screen_off_time : 60
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] rgb_enable : True
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] rgb_style : colorful
24/05/31 13:57:27,739 [DEBUG] rgb_color : 0a1aff
24/05/31 13:57:27,740 [DEBUG] rgb_blink_speed : 50
24/05/31 13:57:27,740 [DEBUG] rgb_pwm_freq : 1000
24/05/31 13:57:27,740 [DEBUG] rgb_pin : 10
24/05/31 13:57:27,751 [DEBUG] rgb_strip init success
24/05/31 13:57:27,788 [DEBUG] oled init failed:
[Errno 121] Remote I/O error
24/05/31 13:57:27,809 [DEBUG] rgb_show
24/05/31 13:57:27,811 [DEBUG] rgb_show: colorful
We will send you OLED screen.Please contact us at service@sunfounder.com