Picar-X should I move from buster to bulleseye Raspberry Pi OS

Hi all

I started my project with my picar-x with Raspberry Pi OS buster because bulleseye was not supported at this time.
In the documentation now there is no restriction anymore and it shows that we can use now bulleye os. Is this right? and if yes, should I move from buster to bulleseye and should I use the 32-Bit or the 64-Bit version?


Thanks in advance for any tip and suggestion

this is the error I got until a few weeks ago trying to install vilib on bulleseye

Mediapipe is currently only supported in Raspbian Buster !
Object detection and pose detection are not working properly !

this was the warning/recommandation in picar-x documentation until a few weeks ago to use buster instead of bulleseye

We have re-updated and uploaded the code, we recommend that you reinstall your Raspberry Pi system and go back and reinstall our code base.

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Thank you very much for the feedback. This worked for me as described.

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