Pironman 5 i/o errors on boot

My newly assembled Pironman 5 will stall at the Raspberry Pi OS welcome screen, or show the (initramfs) command line after reporting a bunch of i/o errors. Once it booted to the welcome screen with systemd-rfkill.service in the lower left corner. Any advice?

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What are you booting off? And how is it connected? I had a faulty microSD extender that was giving me similar errors. When I inserted the microSD card directly into the pi, everything worked correctly.

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Off of the microSD card. I did dis-assemble the case and reseat the extender board…no luck, but it certainly seems like thats the issue. I’ll try it without the board later.

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1.Please disassemble the pironman5, connect the PI5 with the SD expansion board, insert the SD card, and then start it to see if it can work normally.
2.Use your hand to gently hold the SD expansion board and ensure the connection with the PI5 interface is complete, then start it again to check the working condition.
If the device can work normally when you hold the SD expansion board to keep it in full contact with the PI5 interface, it indicates that the SD expansion board connector is loose, causing it to not make complete contact with the PI5 interface, resulting in the SD card not being recognized.
We will send you a new SD expansion board as a replacement.

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I have almost the same problem. I’m booting Home assistant on sd card. When the card is directly into the rpi5 it boot normally. When I boot with card in the SD expansion, HA won’t boot and I get tons of i/o error. If I place the SD card in a usb adapter it boot normally. So I suspect the SD expansion board is defective. How do I get a replacement one ?

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I have confirmed that the MicroSD Extender board is the issue. Even when held in by hand it produces i/o errors. Pi boots normally without it.

I also noticed that when fully inserted, the expansion board screw holes are slightly mis-aligned with the Pi which causes the expansion board to pull out of the sd card slot a little when screwed in.

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So how can we get a replacement for this part. I can’t find any way on the website to report that bug

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Please contact at service@sunfounder.com,we will send you the SD expansion board replacement.

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I just received mine and i have the same problem, boots ok without the extenter. The extender seems faulty ???

1.Please remove the fixed copper pillars and screws from the SD expansion board, insert the SD card with the system into the SD expansion board, then fully insert the SD expansion board into the Raspberry Pi interface. Start the Pi 5 to see if the system can boot normally. This will help verify if the SD expansion board is not inserted deeply enough.
2.Please remove the fixed copper pillars and screws from the SD expansion board, and gently press down on the expansion board to check if there are any loose contact points that could prevent the SD card from being detected.

We will send you a new SD expansion board as a replacement. Additionally, please provide the photo of production date of the packaging box.

I have the same problem. The MicroSD Extender is causing these I/O error like if the SD card was bad. When I removed the MSD Extender and insert directly the SDCard in my Raspberry5 all works as normal.
I follow the steps for the Pironman5 installation and I modified the boot sequence to boot first from the nvme SSD, using the Raspberry Imager, after all the parts of the Pironman5 were mounted. My surprise was that I got this bunch of I/O errors. I thought that I missed some sort of driver, so I unmounted the Pironman5 one piece at a time to find out what was causing the errors until I left only the “MicroSD Extender”. I removed it and insert directly the SD Card into the Raspberry5 slot and it worked without modify the boot sequence. I modified the boot sequence to start from the SD Card and it worked perfectly, so the issue is the “MicroSD Extender”. I recommend to use the Raspberry Imager/Mis Utility images and select from there the required boot sequence using a spare SD Card. Insert the spare SD Card into the Raspberry SD slot and wait for the green screen, confirming that the boot sequence was changed. Then insert the SD Card with the IOS to boot the Raspberry.

We will send you a SD extender module,please contact us at service@sunfounder.com

I just purchased two of these cases and having the exact same issue on both!

Hello, I’ve got the v12 board, production date was 2024/11 - and I have the same problem that most of my high end SD cards don’t run. Can I ask to get a v14 board - and why are these boards not being send to your resellers?

If the large capacity SD card can not be booted by the SD expansion board, please contact us for a replacement V14 version SD expansion board. service@sunfounder.com
Currently our V14 expansion boards are in rapid production, and will not arrive at dealers so fast.
At present, the V14 version expansion boards are sent to you from us, and the V14 version expansion boards you received are tested and verified by us one by one, and only then will be sent out.