Pironman 5 PWM fan not working

My PWM fan is not turning on at all, not even briefly at startup. It appears that the hardware is not even detected by the system.

The fan logs in the dashboard show the following:

25/01/26 10:16:39.936 [WARNING] PWM Fan is not supported
25/01/26 10:16:39.936 [WARNING] PWM Fan init failed, disable pwm_fan control
25/01/26 11:38:08.359 [WARNING] PWM Fan is not supported
25/01/26 11:38:08.359 [WARNING] PWM Fan init failed, disable pwm_fan control

I still get “No such file or directory” when trying to check the current status of the fan.

I have already verified the physical connection, as well as version 6.6.44. I am using the official raspberry pi 5 27w power supply, as recommended.

acid@valis-iii:~ $ uname -a
Linux valis-iii 6.6.44-v8-16k+ #1789 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug  5 15:24:18 BST 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

acid@valis-iii:~ $ uname -r

acid@valis-iii:~ $ cat /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/cur_state
cat: /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/cur_state: No such file or directory

acid@valis-iii:/sys/class $ cd /sys/class/thermal
acid@valis-iii:/sys/class/thermal $ ls

acid@valis-iii:/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0 $ ls
available_policies  k_pu    subsystem          trip_point_1_hyst  trip_point_3_hyst  type
hwmon0              mode    sustainable_power  trip_point_1_temp  trip_point_3_temp  uevent
integral_cutoff     offset  temp               trip_point_1_type  trip_point_3_type
k_d                 policy  trip_point_0_hyst  trip_point_2_hyst  trip_point_4_hyst
k_i                 power   trip_point_0_temp  trip_point_2_temp  trip_point_4_temp
k_po                slope   trip_point_0_type  trip_point_2_type  trip_point_4_type

acid@valis-iii:/sys/devices/platform $ ls
 107c580000.hvs   cam1_reg            ir-receiver@d   psci           sd_io_1v8_reg   timer
 3fd165c0.nvram   cam_dummy_reg       kgdboc          pwr_button     sd_vcc_reg      uevent
 arm-pmu          chosen              leds            reg-dummy      serial8250      wl_on_reg
 axi              cpufreq-dt          phy             regulatory.0   snd-soc-dummy
 cam0_reg        'Fixed MDIO bus.0'   power           rp1_vdd_3v3    soc

I have added the following config to /boot/firmware/config.txt:

# PWM_fan

At this point, I believe that the fan is defective. If you have additional troubleshooting steps, I am willing to try them, but I believe that the fan unit is defective and needs to be replaced.
Please advise on how to proceed.

Thank you!

If you have another SD card, can you try with a fresh new installation of OS and Pironman5 software? And Sudo apt-get update, Sudo apt full-upgrade, Sudo rpi-update and check if issue is almost there…

I’ve already done all of that. None of it helped.

Do you have another PWM fan? If not, you can contact them at service@sunfounder.com for replacement parts but they are in new year moon holiday, until February 4th. Til there maybe try to fix one of two RGB fan on the heatsink to cold it.

I do not have another PWM fan; the kit only comes with one.

I am currently doing a fresh install with a different SD card, just to be thorough. I’ll update when it’s done.

I have just completed a fresh install of the Raspberry PI OS and pironman5 software using a different SD card, including the Sudo apt-get update, Sudo apt full-upgrade, Sudo rpi-update commands suggested in your post. I’ve restarted the pironman5 service a couple of times, as well as rebooted the whole unit a couple of times. However, the issue persists. I have observed that the PWM fan does not rotate at all, not even briefly on startup after the reinstallation. I conclude that the PWM fan is in fact defective and needs to be replaced.

Just as a side note, I am not having any issues with the RGB fans or OLED screen; they are working well as expected.

I will contact service@sunfounder.com to request a replacement PWM fan.

Thank you for taking the time to suggest some troubleshooting steps.

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Please make sure the pwm fan port is connected correctly. Please contact the after-sales email service@sunfounder.com, we will send you a replacement tested pwm fan, but recently we are on Chinese New Year holiday, the delivery won’t arrive so fast.