I joined this forum just to express my frustration and on case assembly had much of the same as the rest of you. I did manage to get it together though and then the software problems came…
I just wanted to let others know that their software imp really sucks. The install program adds other apps that you never really here about. It works i.e. the display and stuff however it writes continuously to the nvme. Well to anything you boot off of. I tried SD, USB nvme, and nvme installed inside case. The results were all the same. Continuous disk activity. Write disk acivity. Conky bar graph for disk access was a solid bar all the way across.
I disabled pironman5 (systemctl disable pironman5) and it was a little better but still lots of disk writes. During this whole process (days not hours) I had to update a package they install called ‘influxdb’. Out of curiosity I tried to disable that program, or now I can service. Yes, it’s a systemd service that does about four (4) things that affect the drive writes. I won’t list them here but if you have a lot of drive writes disable Pironman5 AND inluxdb.
Because of this I will not have a display cause noe I have no excessive drive writes. Case is still good though. Good luck.
I just noticed this here tonight when copying files over the network to my Pi. My disk & CPU time is being chewed up by their software. I’m disabling it since it runs headless in closet, but for anyone who likes the pretty lights and OLED screen, it comes at a price… the precious $$$ you spent on that NVMe!
Update: Trying to keep the fans running, but w/o the ridiculous logging.