Today I have tried to install the software and zero the servos.
Both the Python and the EZblock installs did not work. Nothing zeroes here.
When running the Zeroing program in Python there is some obscure error that the platform is Neon and whatsoever. Something woth compiling.
The hardware of this Crawler looks great byt I would obviously like it to do something.
The issue with the username I found already, it can be only “pi”
Please help, Many thanks
Please make sure you follow our tutorial steps.
If an error occurs during the installation process, please try to install a few times to see the results, sometimes due to network anomalies, resulting in errors in the installation of the code.
If you install several times, the result is the same error, please provide us with a complete screenshot of the error message, so that we can analyze and solve the problem.
It is not the user name can only be Pi, just our tutorial default is the user name pi, because each user’s user name is different, we can only provide an example.
If your username is not pi, you can change our default username pi to your username.
It is possible that your servo is not fully adjusted to return to zero.
Run cd ~/picrawler/examples
sudo python3 servo_zeroing.py
Next, break the angle of the servo and plug the servo cable into port P11 again.
You will see the servo arm rotate to a specific position (0°).
Once the servo has been zeroed, continue the installation by following the instructions on the assembly foldout.
Pay attention to the angle of each part of the assembly spider legs: 45°, 90°, 90°.
Remember to secure the servo with screws after the assembly angle is controlled, then unplug the servo wires and assemble the next servo, and so on to finish assembling the remaining servos.
After assembly, then calibrate the spider.