Pwm fan on pironman5 always on full speed

hi, i install a fresh copy of pios bookworm an install pironman5 tools from the git.
All looks good, the website is there and i can control the rgb and the gpio fans.
But the pwm fan is allways on (the dashboard shows full speed but it runs slower).
Can someone tell me why?

Hi, in dashboard, you see PWM fan speed for heatsink and 2 RGB fan on\off. You can only control RGB fans in dashboard with Fan mode, as shown there : 5. View and Control from Dashboard — SunFounder Pironman documentation
PWM fan is control by OS. On my side I’ve found command to add into \boot\firmware\config.txt, dtparam=fan_temp0=65000
You can customize it as your needs.

Did you connect PWM fan correctly as shown?

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Hi, ok i understand. The settings are helpful, thx.