Why only certain GPIOs can successfully power the LED in 2.1 Micropython on Pico/H/W?

After successfully setting up and running the Pico/H/W and all the components on the breadboard per the instructions on “2.1 Hello, LED!”, I decided to move a few things around to see if I could replicate the same success at different GPIO pins( the original step calls for using GP15, and it worked perfectly fine). According to the Pinout diagram, I should have 26 open GPIO pins that should be able to output power to the LED and make it light up, but after trying mostly all of them and changing the code in Thonny to reflect the pin I want to use, it seems that about half work and the others do not. I did some research and think I found something that might have to do with why, but I am unsure. I found another pinout diagram that displayed the PWM channels for all the GPIOs on the Pico. I am still unsure how Pulse Width Modulation applies (if at all), but coincidentally, all the GPIOs on the “B” PWM channel were the ones that worked in lighting up the LED, and all the “A” channel GPIOs did not. Again, I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it or if it is just coincidence. If anyone can explain why only about half of the GPIOs will light up the LED in this example, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.

Can you elaborate on your test data and which pin is not working?
We have tested and verified 26 GPIO pins, and all of them can work normally.
Check whether the cables are in good contact with the breadboard.
You can try touching the cable directly to the corresponding pins and see how it works.