main code for GalaxyRVR not uploading due to missing library even though it has been installed

main code for GalaxyRVR not uploading due to missing library even though it has been installed

Have you encountered any problems?

  1. Please describe the problem you encountered in detail, if it is the upload code error, please provide the error screenshot to us, so that we can analyze and solve the problem.

  2. If the code you uploaded is missing some dependent libraries, you may have downloaded the code package, not fully decompressed, only decompressed the main code file, the dependent library code has not been decompressed, resulting in the uploading of the main code, there is an error “Some libraries do not have the code,” so we recommend that you download the code package and decompressed files, delete all of them, and then go to download the code package again. So we recommend you to delete all the downloaded code packages and unzipped files, download the code packages again, and unzip all the code files.
    Do not copy and paste the code, you must manually go to the specified code file path, open the code file to upload, and at the same time, the dependency libraries of the main code will also be uploaded to the development board together.