Pironman v2 case ssd stop at random time

Pironman v2

power lost or SSD faill at random time

working good util it crash at random time

the same happen with raspberry pi 4 64 os or retropie os

i reboot everything work good util it does not

power lost or do i need a driver for my SSD ???

some time i play 30 minute other 3 minute but it crash

this case is unstable $80 for this is insane

i try a new sata but it does the same

look to me the ssd does not have enough power any

fix for this?

i have 2 usb power plug

i re install rasberry pi 4
more stable

but if i update

sudo apt-get update
the the crash begin more and more
must be a bug in the code

  1. You use a Type-C cable instead of a USB bridge to connect the SSD, after startup, check the working status whether the crash problem still occurs.
  2. If you have a multimeter, after you start the Pironman, measure the output voltage of 5V and GND of GPIO.
  3. I hope you can provide us with a video of the problem so that we can analyze and solve the problem.
    If the problem is caused by hardware, we will arrange to send you the corresponding hardware module.

after 30- 40 minute playing game in retropie

in rasberry pi os
at random time

some time it run 1 hour bang this
the only solution is to reboot

using those do the same thing

will post video when it crash in wait mode

test now fan alway on will see

SSD keeps getting disconnected

device drawing too much power from the Pi?
to much heat?

pi4b is the faulty?

i am now updating pi4b firmware

sudo apt-get install rpi-update
sudo rpi-update

will test now if it was pi 4 faulty?


topic close

sudo apt-get install rpi-update
sudo rpi-update

everything work now firmware update

running 2 SSD all good

tham firmware!

So you currently have the SSD connection working properly after updating the firmware for the pi 4 right.
If not, try working with a Type-C cable instead of a USB bridge and see how the SSD connection works then.